The glutathione system mops up toxins and the stress signals that protect our body in a crisis, bringing you back into balance and allowing your mitochondria to sustain your health.
Plants, animals and fungi all have the same system for healing trauma—the glutathione system. Why have we never heard about this?
Sleep, moderate excercise, meditation, connecting with friends…all of that upregulates our glutathione system. And for when that is not enough, try adding in the game-changing supplement Trizomal Glutathione.
Stress falling on redox balanced tissue supports resilience (anti-inflammatory and up-regulates the glutathione system and Nrf2). Stress falling on tissue that is out of redox balance initiates inflammation, disease, and aging.
Why do we have less energy as we age? Why do hangovers increase with age? Because our glutathione system gets depleted as we age.
While we ramp up our patent pending methods for mapping and measuring mitochondrial resilience using glutathione as a biomarker, we will continue to bring you info and products to help you restore balance.